Doppelkopf-Palace brings you Doppelkopf (Doko), the popular card game from Germany. Play for free against real opponents or with your friends from all over the world. We offer not only a dynamic league system but also custom tables with your own rule sets, friendslists, detailed statistics, a variety of different card decks and much, much more.We play according to the rules of the German Doppelkopf Association. In addition we offer these custom Doko rules:
- Doko without Nines- Catch Karlchen- Piglets- 2. Dulle beats 1.- Extra score for trick of Hearts- 5 wimps Slap Down- 7 solids Slap Down- Solo gains lead- Compulsory solo- Bockrounds- Indigence
You may also want to visit to meet other Doko players or contact the Doppelkopf developers.
General Information:Doppelkopf-Palast is intended for an adult audience and does not offer any real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money. Practice or success at Doppelkopf-Palast does not imply future success in real Doppelkopf.